Monday, July 03, 2006

Momma's Home
A discussion about stay-at-home parenting

Deciding to become a stay-at-home mom was never a difficult decision-making process for me. Really, it was never any question in my mind; I just knew I would be a SAHM when my child was born. I knew this as naturally as I knew I would breastfeed my baby.

It certainly wasn't an overflow of money that made the stay-at-home mom decision easy for me. The way I see it, it could only have been a deep faith that gave me confidence that this was just what I was supposed to do and that it would work out precisely as God had designed it to.

Ten years later, I'm still "blending my two favorite things" -- the words I told a newspaper reporter who interviewed me back in 2002 about my roles as a stay-at-home mother and freelance writer. In that interview, I said: "My decision to be a stay-at-home mother was one that came quite naturally for me...........I have learned that a strong desire to perform this unique job, combined with patience, creativity and flexibility, can make stay-at-home parenting as exciting and meaningful as those jobs typically believed to be the most rewarding."

Cynthia, a mother who recently read and enjoyed my stay-at-home mom journal, shared her thoughts with me about stay-at-home parenting. She said:
"I am an at-home mother who is discouraged by the bad press we've been getting lately. So many people are saying that it doesn’t matter whether or not a mom works outside the home. Well, I need to be there for my kids way more than working full-time will allow. They don’t understand many of the benefits. As one who has done both, I know it does matter! My kids and I have both benefited. I hope the media stops its negative portrayals of at-home moms and starts seeing us for who we really are -- committed to our jobs and willing to take full responsibility. This is a job we don't want to delegate."

What are your thoughts? Please post them here.

It'll be fun! Waiting to hear from you...

In Motherhood,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penny, thanks for sharing your thoughts on being a SAHM and how natural of a decision it has been. It's been over 11 years for me and they have not been as natural. I returned back to work in the early years and got a Master's degree figuring that would help me feel...useful. It didn't. 5 kids, a published book later. I realized that I was going against the natural flow. Thanks for sharing.

Friday, 07 July, 2006  
Blogger Penny Powell said...

Hi Shawn:

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

Congratulations on your 5 children and published book. When you have time, I'd love to hear more about your book. I have a children's book in the hands of an agent. Currently, I'm in the waiting...waiting...waiting process.

I'm glad to hear you realized that you were "going against the natural flow." As you know, sometimes we have to go against the flow to find the flow.:-)

Nice "meeting" you, Shawn, and I hope you'll stop by often. I really like your blog and will be sure to leave a comment for you there, too. :-)

Take care,


Friday, 07 July, 2006  

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