Friday, July 07, 2006

Yoga = A Balanced Mommy

My month-long Yoga hiatus will end tomorrow morning at 8:15 a.m. Yes, I'll be back in the groove. I'm convinced that I need Yoga to balance my life as a mother, my life as a wife, my life as a friend. To balance my..., my..., my... -- My Life!

My 10-year-old son Caleb even notices the difference in me when I'm Yoga-active. According to him, I have more "air" around me when I regularly attended Yoga classes. That's his way of saying I have more tolerance for mishaps and am more centered. He likes having a Yoga Mom -- a Warrior Mom -- and I like being one.

Let's talk for a minute about this "air" comment he made. It's ironic that he chose the word "air" in his description -- considering that breathing is such a huge and important part of the Yoga practice. Perhaps Caleb's intuition told him that, because I don't recall telling him. Maybe the depth of his 10-year-old existence already realizes that until we breathe deeply and fully for total body cleansing, that trapped air blocks our flow of energy and lowers our level of patience...our overall balance.

Gee, how has he already figured out that we must let go of old air to be our best selves? The answer is simple. He's a child, and we all know how intelligent, intuitive and intellectual children can be.

I also know that his "air" comment certainly took my mind to a deeper level! I've been pondering his statement ever since and meditating on it. Gosh, I love raising this spiritually in-touch boy of mine. And because I love this journey so much, I will go to Yoga. Tomorrow. At 8:15 a.m. On a Saturday. To replenish my air supply. On one of the rare Saturdays that I don't have to get up early to cheer at a soccer game -- or football game -- or basketball game.

As much as possible, I want my boy to witness a Mommy with a lot of air around her. Sooo watch out Yoga class -- here comes this Yoga-starved Momma who is more than ready to suck up all of that good air there to hold me until the next class.

I can't wait.

In Balance,



Blogger Jennifer James said...

I LOVE all your pictures! Is that you -- backwards? Dear Lord, my back would be in two.

I've been using cardio machines at the gym lately. I have to go today, but I don't want to. I don't want tooooo!

Monday, 10 July, 2006  
Blogger Penny Powell said...

Thanks, Jennifer! Yup, that's me doing the backbend! :-)

Congrats on your gym workout. Do you find that even though you don't feel like going to workout sometimes, you're so glad you did after it's all done?

Monday, 10 July, 2006  
Blogger Jennifer James said...

I finally got to that point yesterday. I was on the elliptical(sp) machine and almost stopped at 40 minutes, but I knew if I stopped at 40 minutes it would be harder for me the next time to go the full hour.

I felt really good yesterday after finishing the workout. This is the first day that I'm looking forward to hitting the gym. I've even lost eight pounds since Saturday, so I'm feeling great.

Wednesday, 12 July, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just wanted to let you know that this post is now up at the Silicon Valley Mom Blog Carnival at

Thank you so much for contributing!

Co-Founder, Silicon Valley Moms Blog

Tuesday, 18 July, 2006  

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