Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Deeply Touching Moment

It is part of my daily routine to pop by Joyride Through Insanity, a blog my friend and publisher of MommyToo!, Jennifer James, writes on ClubMom. If no new entry has been posted when I first check out her blog each day, I'll check as often as I can until I get to read something new she has written.

You know, why don't I just subscribe to her blog's feed so that I am notified as soon as a new entry is posted? Duh! That'll save me some clicking! What have I been thinking? However, it has been something fun and playful about clicking, clicking, clicking to and through Joyride Through Insanity to see what new words -- and matching photos -- Jennifer has published. (Jennifer, sorry if I've messed up your stat counter, but just let me have my insane fun!) LOL

In any event, this week Jennifer has been sharing useful tips for moms desiring to work from home, and she has been discussing the importance of having a positive attitude about taking on at-home work. As I read Jennifer's blog today, I was pleasantly surprised and deeply touched to read this paragraph she had included in her post:

"A friend of mine, Penny, is one of those people who always has a bright and positive disposition. I love her and feel better every time I receive an email or comment from her on my blog or when we talk on the phone. She is amazing. Everyone should have a friend like this. Be sure to check out her blog!"

In that touching moment, I yelled out: "Oh My Gosh!" Wondering what my squeal of delight was about, my husband and son simultaneously said: "What?" I continued: "OhMyGosh! Oh My Gosh! Oh...My...Gosh!" I just felt so very touched.

I mean, I know that Jennifer and I deeply value what we bring to each other's life - personally and professionally -- but sometimes just seeing that on paper (in this case, the monitor) or hearing it verbally is just what one might need on a given day.

So, that's my advice to readers of this post: If you have a special connection with a family member, friend, loved one, associate, whomever...take a moment to let them know how you feel about your connection with them. Although they may already be aware of your feelings, the validation will probably completely brighten their day the way Jennifer did mine.

Words are powerful and the power is in the now! A few positive words go a long way to uplifting lives!

Jennifer, Friends Forever! Thank you so much for adding a very special touch to my day and uplifting me!




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