Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Infectious Green Mountain Smoothie

Yesterday, when out running an errand, my co-mountain explorer, Christy, called me on my cell phone to inform me that she had made her first Kale purchase. When I made green smoothies on the morning of our Rock Climbing adventure in the mountains, it was Kale and Bananas I used. Christy and her son really enjoyed the taste, and Christy was planning to experiment with a Green Smoothie of her own this morning before going to workout. She was also excited to inform me that she opted for a meatless salad yesterday when she met a friend for lunch. And, for dinner last night, she mentioned that she was making a veggie stir fry -- "with no meat," she added.

"Wow, something's happening," I said to Christy after she shared all of her healthy news. "You've got all this good news, and Caleb said he was in the mood for food at the raw-food restaurant today. Something's going on," I said.

"It's you! You're infectious, Penny," she said.

I chuckled and replied, "I just think the mountains has worked its magic."

Christy went on to say that while she's not claiming that she'll never eat meat again, she is conscious of cutting back, and she'll definitely be adding the Green Smoothie to her and her son's diet.

So, even though, like I said, not all members of Team Raw are 100 percent raw-vegan, every one is making strides at their own pace -- in their own way -- in their own time to healthier habits.

Who knows...maybe after next year's mountain trip we might really have a totally (or close to) all raw-vegan team! Go, Team Raw! It's all about the journey, right....with some tasty Green Smoothies along the way?

Happy July 4th!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wow! those pictures are just breathtaking, I can imagine what it was to see such a beautiful place in person. I am glad that you all had a wonderful safe time.

Take care,


Friday, 06 July, 2007  
Blogger Valerie Winters said...

It's so great that you are introducing more people to green smoothies. Kale and banana is a great combo.

Wednesday, 11 July, 2007  
Blogger Penny Powell said...

Hi Linda:

Replied to your above comment under the "God's Mountain Art" entry. :-)

Hi Valerie:

I'm loving how receptive folks are to the Green Smoothie. Most of the people I have told about it seem to automatically want to know more...or contact me to let me know they have implemented the Green Smoothie into their routine. It's wonderful.

One day, I sent a Green Smoothie sample to my husband's co-worker who HAD high cholesterol; he was instantly got hooked on the smoothie, started adding more fruits and veggies to his diet, and at this next doctor's visit, his "numbers" had dropped significantly.

There is something very special, very powerful about the Green Smoothie. And, although my husband is not raw...he never turns down a green smoothie (although he will turn down some of the really tasty raw-vegan gourmet delights)! Occasionally, he'll do a Green Smoothie/fresh juice fast. If he should ever go raw, I think he'll be a liquid raw foodist. :-)

In spreading the word about the Green Smoothie! :-)



Thursday, 12 July, 2007  

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