Strawberry Enlightenment
However, today, I feel I need to commit to posting here a little more often as I journey through the Body Enlightenment System (On this page, scroll down to about the fifth category).
After I started journaling this morning about my latest adventure, I felt it should be shared with others as a means of helping to enlighten those who are thinking about hopping on the BES Health train...driven by health divas, Tera and Amy. So, from my personal journal to my blog, here goes:
Today is the day before the first official day of the 30-day Body Enlightenment System I'm participating in. In preparation for the mono meal I will eat at tonight's dinner at 6:00, the program required me to begin a water on Saturday evening at 6:00. At the time, I was at a friend's birthday party, where food -- lots of it -- was a huge part of the party. However, thanks to the week-long support given prior to the first official day of the BES program, mentally, I believed I could be around all of the folks eating and not cave in. (Note, I've had some good experience with raw-food eating, so this situation at the start of a 24-hour fast may not be advisable for someone starting out for the first time.)
The party guests were going to be eating at about 6:00 p.m., therefore, I knew I would have to eat before everyone else. Although Tera and Amy had explained that us BES folks could have our last meal at about 6:00 p.m., I wanted my fast to start precisely at 6:00.
Fortunately, it was an informal party atmosphere and the hosts were used to my "different" eating patterns, so they didn't even question my need to eat before everyone else. I merely stated that I was starting a fast at 6:00, and they just went with my flow in a supportive way!At about 5:30 p.m., I scooped some spoonfuls of a tasty-looking salad into a small bowl and thoroughly enjoyed it as my "last supper".....until 24 hours later. Dessert for me was a little bit of fruit from the fruit mixture I had brought to the party. I think the thought of not being able to eat until 24 hours later made the dinner and dessert taste extra special. The chunk of pineapple, watermelon, piece of cantaloupe and a few grapes felt like real energy-providers that would help get me through the next 24 hours living on just water, fresh air, good thoughts and sleep.
Around the time the food was officially served to the party guests, the 2-year-old daughter of the hosts wanted to play on the huge inflatable toy in front of the house. How timely, since the majority of the adult guests were sitting around the pool at the back of the house. Relocating to the front yard with my toddler friend not only got me away from potential food temptations but also allowed her parents to eat and entertain without interruption.
However, after our play-time was done, cake was served. Now, throughout my raw-vegan journey, it's those no-good foods, such as a slice of cake or such, that makes me fall from time to time. Yesterday, though, it wasn't too much of a deal. I was not tempted to the degree that I have been in the past. At one point I told myself I wouldn't look in the direction of the cake or focus on anyone's plates. Then, I felt I should take a glance, at least, and know I was capable of looking at tempting foods and not eating them. I survived.
After arriving home, I took some more sips of water and was in bed before 10:00 p.m. (Early for me, but great way to kick-off my 30-day journey)
Sunday, March 30, 2008
A supportive e-mail was awaiting me from The Raw Divas, as will be the case throughout this month. It included the "Daily Power Thought" for the day and other reminders and supporting info.
As I tried to decide which one of the three fruits listed on the BES menu plan would be my mono meal at dinner that night, I remembered that, for a while now, I've been wanting to really focus on eating the seasonal produce grown in my local area. So, I spent a little time this morning researching that and have found a chart from which I can follow!
I was thinking I would go with Passion Fruit as a symbol of the passion I'm feeling for this BES journey, but when I went dinner shopping, I didn't see any Passion Fruit available and then felt a pull to the bright red strawberries. (They were on my local list.) I also purchased some kumquats (local, too), and that will be my mono meal for breakfast on Monday morning.
After not eating food for 24 hours (from 6 p.m. Saturday to 6 p.m. Sunday), I knew I couldn't just ravishingly pop the strawberries in my mouth. I felt the need to eat with ultimate gratitude. After washing that luscious fruit with care and then patting them dry, I decided to dine in the place from which the strawberries came from in the first place -- the outdoors! I went to a sacred area of my yard while keeping this mantra in my head that I found online today: "Food is for cells, not 'me'." (Look at the picture below. I think it's easy to see that this is for our cells. Bonus: It tastes good, too!)
"I am aware of the miracle of food and the miracle that it finds its way to my table. I am aware of the miracle of the body, that I have a system for digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating what I can't use. I eat slowly, mindfully, with awareness."
~ From "201 Little Buddhist Reminders - Gathas for Your Daily Life" by Barbara Ann Kipfer
I stared at the strawberries -- really wanting to express every sentiment of gratitude within me that I had for this divine food. Oh, and I tell you, that first bite was "oo la la" divine. And, look at all of that light in them!
In Tera and Amy's documents about BES, they had mentioned how incredible the mono meal would be on Sunday night -- after getting through the 24-hour water fast. They were right! To have "caved" on the fast, I think, would have surely taken an element away Sunday's meal.
After eating only a few strawberries, I really was content but proceeded to eat a few more for the extra water content. I had not been incredibly thirsty at all during the 24 hours I couldn't eat and wondered if I was taking in enough water. But, I guess so since I've been urinating clear liquid, regularly.
I ate about half of my strawberry dinner outdoors and then came indoors to the kitchen table where I had a good view of trees blowing in the cool wind outside, and then ate some more. As I ate, I periodically reminded myself: "I eat slowly, mindfully, with awareness."I really could have been completely done with the meal after about 10 strawberries, but left them on the table and returned later to nibble on some more, as that particular bowl of strawberries felt sacred to me and I didn't want to return them to the refrigerator for later consumption. I felt that they had to be eaten that night!
By the time I got to the end of the bowl, my body became really warm for a brief period. Was that I sign I had eaten too many? I don't know. Even so, I did not feel guilty. There was something quite empowering that I had eaten strawberries -- and strawberries only -- for dinner, no matter how many! I felt well nourished.
A little later in the evening, I did start to feel slight pangs of hunger, but I tried not to focus on it by journaling and focusing my attention on other things (as The Raw Divas suggest). In fact, I'm feeling a tinge of hunger talking to me now. But, it's a good time to head to bed and forget all about it.
In the morning, I can eat. Hmmh, Kumquats, Strawberries or Apples (although apples are not on my local list)? We shall see! Stay tuned.
Healthy Dreams! Night Night!
And, by the way, don't forget to join me each week at That's where you are sure to find me regularly! :-)